martes, 21 de septiembre de 2010

Long Hols!

I hope you are all well after these holidays and that you have had a great time.  Now it's time to start exercising and eating healthily to eliminate all those too many empanadas, anticuchos, beers, and of course the meat, all the meat you've eaten in those everlasting barbecues...

I have been reading some stuff you've written and have been told I'm not supposed to make any personal comments, but I will, at least this time.

You should start writing your second entry, that is 250 words about your best childhood memories.  You are still so young that I'm sure you won't have any problems to go back in time a few years and tell me about the good old days.  When is it due? Fri 24 at midnight.

All the best,


11 comentarios:

  1. I know i got my zero because i didnt write my first entrada, but anyways i wrote my two entradas so that you can see i'm shame of do not do it.

    have a good weekend!

  2. profee! this is my bloog! i'm Trinidad Bruna,
    see you!

  3. Teacher, I tried to add your blog but I could't....sorry :(

    This is my blog:

    María Carolina Aguilera

  4. Teacher! Here is my blog

  5. Teacheeeer! it's regina here!!, it have a different name just because it is not the only blog that i have
    but i had told you that my blog is

  6. Sorry for the delay but this is my blog

    Sofia Rosales carefully

  7. Dearest teacher, this is my blog;
    good luck,
    your favorite student.

  8. Hi!! this is my Blog:

    Carla Moena

  9. Let's face it- men and boys just have different brains from women and girls

    This part of the chapter of the article makes mention in that men and women think differently because they have certain differences between men and women. There are morphological and functional differences, for example: men’s brain is larger and women’s brain is activated in areas related to language. But it’s so difficult to determine what these differences mean. They highlight that there is no date to date that has shown gender-specific processes involved in building up neuronal networks during learning. Baron-Cohen used the expression: “feminine and masculine brain”, he believed that men tend to be more methodical and women better communicators and he also suggested that autism could be related to an extreme form of the “masculine brain”, referring with these expressions to particular cognitive profiles. Finally the article proposed the idea that a girl must have a more developed language area so she will be less capable of learn mathematics, and if things were like that, the education should be differential between men and women, what is not so.

    In my opinion, at first sight, things should be in this way: girls and women are more related with emotions and language; and men and boys are more related with logical and methodical stuff. But if you read and investigate a little more you will find out that the idea of existing 2 types of brain, one for men and other for women, is completely rejected, because we all are able to learn math or logic, yes, there are men that are better and faster for solving an exercise, but there are women like this too. There is a difference but it is very little. Maybe this difference is related with evolution, because time ago men were the ones that kept track and women were the ones that took care of their children and they talked with the other mothers, etc. This has changed a lot and now the little difference is the result.
